Family Culture

 In our family relations class this week, we talked about family culture. It was really interesting and eye opening to hear and see other peoples culture that live in the United States. It was eye opening to hear about Mexicans immigrating to United States and hearing their challenges. I think it would be most beneficial to expound upon two different examples. 

First, there was this lady named Tami that lived In Alabama or somewhere over there close by. She was like 60 years old working at Burger King. She was a single mom trying to provide for multiple children. It was interesting the way she thought. Her thinking of trying to make money was limited. I can't remember exactly what her father did, but he too was a hard worker that worked a lot for little money. It made my think of myself and my family. Am I naturally going to make somewhere around the same amount my dad has? Am I going to live the same traditions that he has? The connection I made was the thing between repeating history is getting a better education. I want to live a more lavish lifestyle, but that is going to take the means that I naturally didn't learn, that will need to be sought through mentors and books. 

In the story is was sad and unfortunate, because they did a video when the kids were younger, and then a follow up video like ten years later. What they found was the two sons were in about the same situation. One of them was mowing lawns struggling by. The other was unemployed because of drug use. They let the pattern continue instead of breaking the cycle. That isn't to say that they won't, but they weren't setting themselves up for success. One of them actually dropped out of high school. 

That is the first example, the other is about the study of Mexican families that immigrated to the United States. It was eye opening how much actually goes into it. There a lot of people that are affected, not just the immediate family, but the extended as well. My sympathy for them increased substantially. When they come to America it usually starts with the Father/Husband. He shares a living space with a bunch of other guys, and works for minimum wage. He has a hard time advancing in the business, because of his language barrier. Even if he is excellent at say construction he is almost bound because of that barrier. 

When the children and wife move over they struggle, because of their language barrier. The customs and culture is completely different. They miss their friends and family. It is hard to fit in with new friends. 

When the family moves over they can sometimes get shade form the extended family, because they feel like they are abandoning them. They are almost betraying them. 

What I love most is the motivation behind why they do it. The whole purpose behind the huge sacrifice of the parents, is so that the children can have a better life then they did. They basically give their quality of life,  a part of their happiness in behalf of the children. 

If that isn't a driving motivation for the children to break the cycle I talked about earlier I don't know what is. I would feel an obligation to make something of myself, to make my parents proud. To not let their sacrifice for me go in vain. The cool thing is many of them do very well. All of them learn English in school, which in and of its self increases their opportunity. They become bilingual. Those are some of my thoughts and observations. Things that increased my understanding that might increase yours as well. 


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