Family Trends

    Had the opportunity to learn about family trends this week. I was actually really fascinated at what I learned and would like to share. 

First, a few years ago a bunch of nations met together to create what are now called, "United Nations Sustainable Development Goals." They are essentially seventeen goals that world leaders want to accomplish by 2040 or something. Including lofty goals such as eliminating poverty, hunger, and gender inequality. Well in that meeting our leaders talked about the vehicle on how to get there. One big resolve was families. Data shows that the family is where children will find the best environment to achieve success. I found it interesting that world leaders support the family, and understand it's importance. Usually or primarily I hear that from my Church leaders. 

Second, I watched a couple hours worth of a documentary about population growth. Based on data there is actually a problem going on that quite frankly I had no idea about. Let me explain, in 1957 there was an all time peak of children being born. There was approximately 3.7 children being born per woman in the United states. Due to that large increase in babies people worried that if that continued it would cause  problems. Well that 3.7 has slowly decreased down to a 1.7 in 2018. Here is the catch though. The number 2.13 is what is called "The Replacement Fertility Rate". That suggests that on average each woman needs to have 2.13 children to replace our population. So if we are under 2.13 we are over time going to decrease in our population. The statistics are eye opening not just in America, but all over the world. Researchers have found countries in Europe as low as 1.13. 

Now, the problem that we have is we have 3 workers supporting 1 retiree. Over time if our population decreases there will be a point where the retirees will be relying on too few workers to every retiree. Creating a huge load on the workers. Not only that, but retirees would have to live on less. 

There is data to suggest trends of why that number has decreased measurably. Such as divorce, data shows married couples have more children than cohabiters. Women's revolution is another, if women choose to work full time jobs their ability and desire to bare and raise children decreases. I found those to be most fascinating. 

Investing time and energy in an education is only effective if it brings about change or action. I have found my time to have been spend productive. My perspective has broadened. I have come up with three genuine resolves for myself. First, I feel I guess more of a renewal to have a family, and do my part in the world. I feel like I understood that families were important on a spiritual level, but now I feel like I understand on a scientific level as well. 

My second resolve I feel is I can be less of a burden on the workers when I become a retiree. If I act now, I can create assets that will produce enough passive income to not be a burden. I don't need to plan on being dependent upon others for an income.

Lastly, we have been learning about Family research. There are problems and challenges that come with the nature of it. I recently learned about about how misinformation can have huge influences on people individually, but as well as a nation. The individual isn't susceptible alone, but the country. My third resolve is to pay more attention to sources, and not be so easy to believer everything I hear. 


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