Transitions in marriage
There were a lot of interesting things that we learned this week. I felt the things we talked about were very constructive. There are a number of pro tips that Brother Williams offered us. The first from research or statistics teach that anything over $2500 on a wedding ring increases the chances of divorce. I found that very interesting. I don't remember the cause and correlation of why. However, it would debunk the tradition thought process of the more you spend the more invested you probably are. Second, prenuptial agreements are like starting the divorce papers right at the beginning. Which surprised me, to me it seemed like a logical thing to do to limit the risk or hit of getting a divorce. However the better way to do it is to bring, and put everything on the table and then make it each others. What mine is your and yours in mine. I can perceive that to maybe be an awkward challenge in the future for me. On a slightly side note, with your finances, You really wa...